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Functions and importance of Tank weighing system

Tank weighing systems are used for accurately weighing the material contained in the industrial tanks, bunkers, silos and mixers.   Workingtank weighing system consists of junction box, load cells (single or multiple), and weighing controller used in process control and production management areas for control and weight management. The load cells are placed under every foot of the tank or vessels, the load cells are then connected to a weighing controller through a junction box that is used to compensate the signal difference of the load cells.   Tanks are suspended from tension load cells or weigh modules, with accuracy similar to  compression systems. This mounting method is convenient if the ground space under the scale must be kept clear, or if an overhead structure already exists. It is applicable for scales with capacities of approximately 20 kilograms (45 lbs.) to 30 tons. Silo weighing system are suitable for rugged and heavy duty applications in various process industries. Most tanks holding 10 kilograms to 80 tons or more are mounted on compression weigh modules or compression load cells for weighing. The Rocker Pin ensures the best accuracy in case of contraction or thermal expansion. Smaller tanks are mounted on bench or floor scales, which is convenient for legal-for-trade applications. Outdoor tanks must have safety features to protect the load cell during operation  and installation. Tanks are exposed to wind forces and that requires features for weigh modules to cope with uplift forces on one side and extreme load on the other. Temperature changes can result in expansion and contraction of the support structure. One of such designs to cope with such circumstance is 3 load cell or 4 load cell, capacity of 300 kg to 100 tons and screw jack facility for easy maintenance.

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